Chippy Rides 545 Miles from San Francisco to Los Angeles tells the story of Chippy, an adventurous and caring young cheetah that goes on the AIDS/LifeCycle and learns about helping others, being part of a team and determination. As Chippy is faced with challenges, such as raising money or riding his bicycle on the road, readers will enjoy how he cleverly figures things out and solves challenges in a positive way, and develops a caring attitude throughout the ride.

This book is for EVERYONE!  The book has LGBTQ+ themes and hopes to create positive role models for the LGBTQ+ community and those infected with AIDS/HIV.  It is a book to remind us that each of us can do important things in the world. This book is a celebration of my 10-years of raising money for the Aids Lifecycle. (  It combines my love of cycling, cheetahs, and the AIDS/LifeCycle.

With your support and the publication of Chippy the Cheetah’s first book, together we will:

Just as Chippy embarks on this inspiring journey, many individuals seek their own paths to overcome challenges, whether in literature or life. They may explore resources like cheapest strattera online to find solutions for various personal and health-related challenges.

* Raise much-needed funding for AIDS research, education, and treatment through the LGBT Center in Los Angeles and the Sans Francisco AIDS Foundation.

* Celebrate LGBTQ+ communities and show that their lives and stories matter.

* Help to reduce the stigma of those inflicted with AIDS/HIV.

* Show the future generation with persistence you can do anything!  Even helping to end AIDS!

* Encourage kids and others to get involved in their community and raise money to help others.

This is a 40-page book cover to cover and has themes of

* Caring

* Kindness

* Persistence

* Community

* LGBTQ+, diversity

* Adventure

* Cheetah speed

* Helping others

* Believing in yourself; don’t give up!